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Daily Bulletin


Monday, November 22, 2021


Happy Birthday today: Vaughan Schweighart


Today’s Events: Girls’ Basketball @ Leroy HS,

                            JV @ 5:30 pm, Varsity @ 7 pm 


Activity Period: Tuesday- FCA 


Students: Don’t forget throughout the month of November, the high school and several other local businesses will hold boxes to collect donations for veterans at the Danville VA. Let us honor these veterans by donating at one of these locations through December 3rd. If you have any questions, please reach out to Erika Hiser (217) 621-3475 or Jonathon Webb (217) 502-7867.

If you are wanting to make a schedule change for the second semester, please see your counselor.  All schedule changes must be done by Friday, December 10th

 Congratulations to the FFA Ag sales team on winning the State contest Saturday. Olivia Shike won her room and was the high overall individual. Phillip Hartke won his room. Cameran Hansen placed 4th and Malia Fairbanks 5th in their rooms. The team will advance to the national competition next fall.

Anyone in need of Rocket attire for Friday’s game, please stop by the Rocket Locker in the library today or tomorrow.  There is a variety of options to choose from, whether you are attending the game in person or watching it on tv!

Tickets for the Rocket football State Championship game are available for $15 in the office until 3 pm today or until 1 pm tomorrow.