Daily Bulletin
Friday, September 24, 2021
Happy Birthday today: Kiersten Reasor
Saturday: Korben Ray
Today’s Events: Varsity Football @ BCC HS, 7 pm
Saturday: Volleyball @ Lady Warrior Classic, 9 am
Boys’ & Girl’s Cross Country @ St Joseph-Ogden HS, 9 am
Soccer @ IVC HS, 10 am
Activity Period: Wednesday: Pep Club
Congratulations to our 2021-2022 Homecoming Court:
Homecoming Court, please remember to meet by the office after 3rd hour.
Voting for Homecoming King and Queen will take place Monday through Wednesday. Check your school email Monday morning for your ballot.
Next week, we will be celebrating Homecoming, with lots of things to look forward to! Please join in the fun by dressing up for the days of the week: Pajama Day Monday, Tourist Tuesday, Jersey Wednesday, Class Color War Thursday, and Spirit Day Friday.
Tickets for the homecoming dance will be sold next week in the canteen during lunch. Tickets are $10 for high school students, $5 for adults, and $3 for children 8th grade or younger.
Weather permitting, our 2021 Homecoming Dance will be held on the football field on Saturday, October 2nd. The Gate will open at 6:30 PM, dance from 7 to 10 PM, and coronation will be held at 7:30. Please do not plan on wearing heels or chewing gum while on the field. In case of inclement weather, we will hold this event in the Rocket Center where masks will be required.
Student Council will be selling Rocket Pura Vida bracelets in the canteen all next week during lunch. Bracelets are braided maroon, grey, and white and cost $8. Show your school spirit and pick one up!
If you would like to enter a decorated car or truck, you may pick up a form in the office. Entry fee is $5 and must be turned in by Wednesday, September 29.
Freshmen. We have a location for float building. We will be building from 2-6 on Saturday and Sunday. Please see Mr. Heist or Mrs. Bonnell for directions to the building location.
Congratulations to the FFA Forestry team on placing 3rd at the section contest. Marie Baxley was the 7th place individual.