Daily Bulletin

Daily Bulletin

Monday, November 23, 2020

Happy Birthday today: Kanen Melvin, Valerie Walsh, Brendan Graven


Today’s Events:

 Activity Period:

Students wanting to make schedule changes for the 2nd semester need to email their counselor or stop by the counseling office by December 11th.

The Senior Pictures and Senior Ads deadline has been extended to Friday, March 12th.  Please email Mrs. Graves your senior photos.  There will be an unlimited number of pages for ads. Please email Mrs. Graves for details.

Due to new IDPH mitigations and announcements from the IDPH and IHSA, all before and after school activities are cancelled until changes from IDPH. 

We encourage everyone to stay safe and practice social distancing.


ATTENTION SENIORS: We have several senior shirts that were ordered and never paid for or claimed. If you would like one and did not order, we have several available for purchase. Please see Mrs. Bonnell.

Students if you have library items to return please place those in the bin outside the library doors. If you need something renewed please email Mrs. Graves and she can do that for you.

 Congratulations to the FFA Ag Sales Team on placing 5th place in the state at Saturday's virtual contest. Way to go Team!