Daily Bulletin
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Happy Birthday today: Bailey Grob
Today’s Events:
Activity Period: Thursday- Student Council; Friday-FCA
Students wanting to make schedule changes for the 2nd semester need to email their counselor or stop by the counseling office by December 11th.
The Senior Pictures and Senior Ads deadline has been extended to Friday, March 12th. Please email Mrs. Graves your senior photos. There will be an unlimited number of pages for ads. Please email Mrs. Graves for details.
Anyone interested in trying out for the UHS Dance team- here are the details for tryouts:
Both days’ tryouts will be in the UHS gym.
Thursday, November 19th 5:30-7:30 tryout clinic - going over tryout dance - overall tryout rehearsal
Monday, November 23rd 5:30- 7:30 Official tryout - record dancers for remote judging - announce team later in the evening competitive practices held every Monday/ Thursday and for remainder of season.
ATTENTION SENIORS: We have several senior shirts that were ordered and never paid for or claimed. If you would like one and did not order, we have several available for purchase. Please see Mrs. Bonnell.
Illini Grad Sales will be holding their Black Friday Sale from Nov 23-29. Go to www.illinigradsales.com for details.