Daily Bulletin
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Happy Birthday today: Elizabeth Hulick
Friday: Aidan Ward
Saturday: Dominick Durso, Carsyn Smith
Sunday: Desire De Los Santos, Kamryn Edenburn
Today’s Events:
Activity Period:
Any Sophomore who ordered and paid for a class shirt can pick them up today in Mrs. Lindenmeyer's room, room 17.
Students interested in taking an AP Exam this spring should sign up in the Guidance Office. The cost per exam is $95 and is due at sign up. The deadline to order an exam is Friday, November 13th. If you have any questions, please email your counselor.
Herff Jones has extended their deadline to order rings and jackets to tomorrow. This will insure your order will be delivered before Christmas. Contact information can be found in the office.
Freshman that have ordered and paid for a shirt can pick them up in Ms. Babb's room after school. If you have not yet paid for your shirt, please bring your $15 ASAP.
The Thanksgiving Food Drive kicks off next week, so let's have some fun to start this month-long event. We'll have dress-up days next week, including America Monday, Tourist Tuesday, Pajama Day Wednesday, Class Color War Thursday, and Spirit Day Friday! You will also be able to purchase chain links to see which class has the most spirit, so bring your coins and dollar bills in to help out! As a part of this year's Thanksgiving Food Drive, every teacher will have a money box/jar in his/her room. All money collected will go towards making food boxes for community members in the Unit 7 district. Please donate, and help get this holiday season off on the right foot!
Junior shirts are in! Please pick up in Room 39. If you have not paid, please do so ASAP.
Congratulations to the FFA Ag Sales team on winning the section 17 contest. High section individuals include 1st- Olivia Shike and 8th- Phillip Hartke. Also placing high with their judges were Cameran Hansen and Destiny Williamson. By winning, the team advances to the District virtual contest in November.