Daily Bulletin
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Happy Birthday today: Addison Montgomery, Sabrina White, Mr. Alexander
Today’s Events:
Activity Period: Thursday- Student Council
Any Sophomore who ordered and paid for a class shirt can pick them up today in Mrs. Lindenmeyer's room, room 17.
Students interested in taking an AP Exam this spring should sign up in the Guidance Office. The cost per exam is $95 and is due at sign up. The deadline to order an exam is Friday, November 13th. If you have any questions, please email your counselor.
FCCLA: Just a reminder that on Wednesday we will be making masks from 3:30-4:30 in room 18.
Wednesday, October 21 is Unity Day, a day dedicated to uniting for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Come together in one giant orange message of hope for our schools, our communities, our nation, and our world. Be a part of this visually compelling expression of solidarity across Unit Seven by wearing orange on Wednesday, October 21 and showing kindness to all those around you.
Anyone interested in playing boys’ basketball should come to Coach Typer's room at 7:45 on Thursday morning to be sized for shoes. Any questions see Coach Reed.
Those who are interested in playing girls’ basketball should get sized for shoes on Thursday morning at 7:30 am.
Herff Jones has extended their deadline to order rings and jackets to this Friday. This will insure your order will be delivered before Christmas. Contact information can be found in the office.
Freshman that have ordered and paid for a shirt can pick them up in Ms. Babb's room after school. If you have not yet paid for your shirt, please bring your $15 ASAP.
Herff Jones message:
All the parent or student needs to do is click the picture and they will be rerouted to our website to place their order. They can contact our office directly at 217-817-0607 or through email at orders@illinigradsales.com or by visiting our website at www.illinigradsales.com