Daily Bulletin
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Happy Birthday: Jacob Cox, Macen Hughes
Today’s Events:
Activity Period:
Seniors: Remember you will be taking the SAT on Wednesday, October 14th. Please be here and in your seat by 8 am. You may only bring a calculator and number 2 pencil. No food, cell phones or backpacks.
Those students interested in Scholastic Bowl please meet in Mr. Wacker’s classroom before school at 8 am or via Google Meets at 1pm on October 14th. Please email
Mr. Wacker for an invite to the Google Meet.
Herff Jones is taking orders for class rings & jackets. The deadline to order for delivery before Christmas is today, October 13th. Ordering information is in the office.
Congratulations to the All-Conference Cross Country athletes Erica Woodard (4th place), Caelyn Kleparski (8th place) and Taylor Joop (10th place), leading the team to 2nd place. Connor O'Donnell also earned All-Conference in 10th place, with the Boys Team placing 4th.