Daily Bulletin
Monday, August 24, 2020
Happy Birthday: Emily Lopez, Skylar Young, Ashlyn Miller
Today’s Events:
Activity Period: Tuesday-FCCLA; Wednesday- Girls’ track & field
Anyone interested in Girls’ track & field, there will be a meeting on Wednesday, August 26th in the auditorium at 8 am during Homeroom.
Students....picture day is tomorrow, August 25th. You and your parent/guardian should have received an email with the order form.
Are you interested in becoming a leader in your community? FCCLA may be for you! Come to our first meeting tomorrow, August 25th at 7:45 to find out more! Hope to see you there!
Attention students who took Industrial Arts classes last Spring: If you left any projects or clothing in Mr. Anderson's room over Spring break, you can come get them all this week. After Friday of this week, the items will be discarded.
All Juniors & Seniors who picked up an opt-out form for 0,1,4,& 7-hour study halls must return them to the guidance office by the end of this week. Thank you.