Daily Bulletin
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Happy Birthday today:
Today’s Events:
Activity Period Wednesday-FFA Committee; Thursday-Student Council
Yearbook sales have been extended to Friday, March 13th at 3pm. Please see Mrs. Graves for details.
Attention all students: Fine Arts Festival is Thursday, March 12. Sign-ups are on the outside of the band room door. Guitars, banjos, vocals, stage acts, didgeridoos, woodwinds, brasswinds, etc...are all welcome to perform on the stage! The last day to sign up will be today, March 10th.
The Rocket Locker is now in the library! Students, please feel free to take anything you need! The life skills team would like to thank everyone who donated to the Rocket Locker. We received so many donations!
Juniors: Please turn in your SAT permission slips as soon as possible. If you need another sheet please see Mrs. Mills.
Be sure to place your order for your 2020 Student Council Week shirt in the office! Shirts are $10, and all proceeds will be donated to St. Jude’s and local charities. Orders are due by tomorrow, March 11th. You don’t have to pay until they are delivered.
Attention Students: This year's blood drive will take place during Student Council week, on April 1. There are parental consent forms for you to pick up in the office--even if you are 18, please fill out a form. Forms are due by 3 PM on March 27 to the main office or Mrs. Meyer.
Unity FCA Huddle will meet tomorrow at 7:15 am in the drivers’ ed. room. Bring a friend and come have some fun. Breakfast will be provided.
If you are interested in being on the stage crew for the Musical you need to start coming to practices Monday, March 23rd.