Daily Bulletin
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Happy Birthday today:
Today’s Events:
Activity Period: Thursday- Student Council
Attention seniors: There is one page left to sell on the wait list for Senior Ads...please let Mrs. Graves know ASAP if you are interested.
Do you enjoy solving problems? We want YOU on the Math Team! Sign up for the math team by Jan. 17 with your math teacher. Math Team: where everyone counts!
The 2019 Football season video will be shown tonight at 6:30 pm in the Auditorium.
Mrs. Bonnell and Ms. Tibbs will be traveling to Scotland and Ireland in the summer of 2021. Anyone interested in joining is welcome; please see Mrs. Bonnell or Ms. Tibbs for a flyer and the necessary sign-up information.
Did you know that every 3 minutes a person is diagnosed with blood cancer in the United States? Donations to LLS help fund the research into blood cancer research! Help out today by donating to your fourth hour class!