Daily Bulletin
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Happy Birthday today: Korben Ray, Coleton Langendorf, Caden Rogers
Today’s Events: (none)
Activity Period: Thursday- FCA & Student Council; Monday- Pep Club
Attention Students: The following colleges will be visiting Unity High School. Please sign up in the Guidance Office if you’d like to meet with them.
9/30- Eastern IL University
10/16 Millikin University
Parkland College will be hosting a free hands-on career exploration workshop for high school students this Friday, September 27th from 9am - 12:30pm. This workshop will feature Parkland's Electrical Power, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and Industrial Technology Programs. Stop by the guidance office for more information.
If any group, club, or individual would like to enter a float, car, or truck to drive in the Homecoming parade, forms are available in the office. The cost is $5 and forms must be turned in by October 4.
Pep Club next meeting will be on Monday, September 30th during activity period. There will also be one on Wednesday, October
Attention sophomores! Sign up in Google Classroom for your HOCO t-shirt by Monday, 9/30. Cost is $15.
AP students if you plan to take an AP Exam please sign up in the guidance office by Friday, October 4th.
Any junior planning to take the free practice ACT on Thursday, November 7th must sign up in the guidance office by Friday, October 11th. This is a great opportunity to practice and become familiar with the ACT before you take the official test in April.
Attention Freshmen: Sign up for your HOCO week spirit shirt with Mrs. Seiler or Mr. Morrison. Cost is $12. You must sign up and pay by Sept. 30.
Attention all students: You should have received a ballot to vote for this year's homecoming court. You do not have to vote, but should you choose to, voting must be complete by Wednesday, October 2 by 8 AM. If you did not receive a ballot, please let Mrs. Meyer know.
Attention Juniors, show your class pride by ordering a Homecoming shirt from your class officers. Cost is $15 and shirt orders are due by next Wednesday.