UHS Crest

Daily Bulletin

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Happy Birthday today: Harry Polonus

Today’s Events: (none)

Activity Period: Thursday- FCA & Student Council; Friday-FFA Chapter meeting

Attention Students: The following colleges will be visiting Unity High School. Please sign up in the Guidance Office if you’d like to meet with them.

9/16- University of IL.

9/30- Eastern IL University

Want to flex your academic prowess? Come to the information meeting for the Unity WYSE team on Friday, September 20 in Mrs. Anderson's room! Remember this event isn't just for scientists, all are welcome!

U Crew Passes with shirts will be sold during lunch in the canteen for $15. Come to the canteen during lunch to buy your pass & shirt.

The theme for Friday’s football game is U-Crew. Come show your support for football wearing your best maroon & gray. Seniors: Come to the Spanish Hallway bathroom before the game to get Painted up. This is for Seniors only!