Daily Bulletin
Friday, November 15, 2019
Happy Birthday Today: Grady Burwell, Anthony Rogers, Aly Bagwell, Annie Schmidt
Saturday: Gabby Bowers, Sydney Olson
Sunday: Connor Eastin, Katelyn Allen, Colton Kinney
Today’s Events: Girls’ Basketball scrimmage, 6 pm, Rocket Center
Activity Period: Monday-Yearbook; Wednesday- FFA Committee
Students interested in taking an AP Exam should sign up in the Guidance Office by today. The cost per exam is $94 and is due at sign up. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Mills.
Have you remembered to bring in non-perishable, non-expired food to your first hour class for the Thanksgiving food drive? The first hour class that brings in the most weight per student will win a breakfast for the entire class!
Bowling practice starts on Monday November 18 @ Old Orchard from 3:30-5 pm. Any questions contact Coach Lutz.
Girls’ Basketball will have a meet the team/scrimmage tonight at 6:00 PM at the Rocket Center. Students and the public are invited.
Congratulations to the FFA Dairy Foods Judging team for winning the section contest. High individuals include 1st- Savannah Hughes, 2nd- Shannon Flavin, 3rd- Emma Felsman, 4th- Kayla Nelson, 6th- Grant Anderson, 7th- Katie Kinney, and 10th Luke Williamson.
Any track & field athlete interested in ordering apparel, please see Coach Reetz. Order deadline is November 21st.
There will be a Drama club Meeting Tuesday, November 19th after school in Mrs. Ingold's room.