Daily Bulletin
Monday, November 11, 2019
Happy Birthday today:
Today’s Events:
Activity Period: Tuesday- FCCLA & Softball, Wednesday- FFA Committee and FCA
Students interested in taking an AP Exam should sign up in the Guidance Office by Friday, November 15th. The cost per exam is $94 and is due at sign up. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Mills.
The Thanksgiving Food Drive in under way! Remember to bring in non-perishable, non-expired food to your first hour class! The first hour class that brings in the most weight per student will win a breakfast for the entire class!
FCCLA will meet next Tuesday, November 12th at 7:45am to discuss our upcoming service project of making blankets for NICU babies, and to discuss our holiday plans. We hope to see you there!
Anyone interested in playing softball this spring should plan to attend the informational meeting tomorrow, November 12th at 7:45 in the Driver Ed room. Don't be late. If you have any questions, please see Coach Davis.
FCA will be hosting a school wide huddle on November 13th at 7:15am in the Driver Ed room. Please come and bring a friend. If you have any questions, please see Coach Davis or Kyleigh Dubson.
The P7 meeting has been rescheduled for today after school in Mrs. Seidlitz’s room.
Congratulations to our Girls’ Cross Country team for placing 3rd at State. Good job to the Boys’ Cross Country team for qualifying for state this year.
Scholastic Bowl will begin meeting for practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays this week. If you have interest and wish to join, please meet in Mr. Wacker's room after school at 3:20 pm.