Daily Bulletin

Daily Bulletin

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Happy Birthday today: Sam Foster, Alexander Stein, Mr. Reed

Tonight’s Events:

Activity Period: Thursday- Student Council; Friday-Boys’ Basketball shoe fitting



Unity Day 2019, a day put on by the National Bullying Prevention Center and devoted to uniting together for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion, will take place on Wednesday, October 23.  In an effort to show hope and support for kindness in our schools and communities, please help cover Unit Seven orange.  If you ordered a t-shirt, it can be picked-up in the Rocket Center on Thursday, October 17 from 3-5 and Monday, October 21 from     5-7 pm.   

Students interested in taking an AP Exam should sign up in the Guidance Office. The cost per exam is $94 and is due at sign up. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Mills. 

JUNIORS: We are in charge of the 50/50 at the game this Friday Please see Mrs. Bonnell to sign up to help raise money for prom and senior trip.

Anyone interested in playing Boys’ Basketball should come to a fitting for team shoes on Friday morning at 7:50 am.  It will be in the Health room.  Any questions see Coach Reed.

All Cast and Crew need to be at practice starting Monday, October 21st for the Fall Play.

Herff Jones will be at the school on today from 2:45-6:30 pm for class rings, letter jackets and senior graduation products.  This will be located in the main hall in front of the auditorium.

Coach Ellars will have Open Gym, today Wednesday, October 16th from 4:30-6:00. We will meet at the High School Gym.

FCCLA will be selling Unity bags at the football game this Friday, for one dollar each. These bags are the perfect size for Halloween candy for the Trick or Treater in your life!  Please see Mrs. Seidlitz with any questions.