Daily Bulletin
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Happy Birthday today: Kelley Street
Tonight’s Events: Soccer vs St. Thomas More, UHS 4:30 pm
Activity Period: Wednesday-FFA Committee & Pep Club; Thursday- Student Council
Parkland College is hosting a college fair on Wednesday, September 18th from 6-8pm. Over 80 colleges and universities will be there. See your counselor for more information.
Anyone interested in traveling to Greece this summer or Scotland and Ireland in 2021, please see Mrs. Bonnell or Ms. Tibbs.
Attention Sophomores- If you have not paid for your shirt, the money is due Wednesday, September 18th.
Coach Patton will hold open gyms on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-7 PM. This open gym is open to anyone interested.
Attention students: yearbooks will be distributed this week. They can be picked up before school and during your lunch hour in the library.
Attention Juniors: float building will be every day this week from 4-9 at Maggie Hewing’s house. See Mrs. Warner or Mrs. Bonnell for directions.
Drama Club will be meeting after school in Mrs. Ingold's room this Thursday instead of Tuesday. We will meet right after school.
Look at all these athletic characters in the halls--we’ll be sure to show the Spartans our athleticism on the field on Friday night!
Tomorrow’s dress up day is Pajama Day. Please make sure your pajamas are school appropriate.
If you would like to enter a car or truck into the homecoming parade, there are forms available in the office. The entry fee is $5, and all rules stated on the form must be followed. The forms are due by the end of the day tomorrow.
Student Council and Pep Club will be collecting money this week for a huge donation to the Eastern Illinois Foodbank! Bring your change and dollar bills to lunch this week, and if we earn enough, we’ll have special guests at next week’s pep rally!!
Seniors: Please continue to bring your shirt money to Coach Davis or Coach Babb.
Homecoming tickets will be on sale this week during lunch in the canteen, or you can buy from any student council member. Tickets are $10 for students, $5 for adults, and $3 for children.
The Homecoming dance is Saturday, September 21st at 7 PM. Coronation is at 7:30 PM, and nobody will be allowed in or out of the gym during coronation.
Sophomore float building will be from 5-9 pm at Nolan Miller’s house this week. If you have not paid for your shirt, the money is due Wednesday, September 18th.
Hope everyone is trying out and enjoying the Snapchat filters every day this week!
Voting for King and Queen has begun and goes through Wednesday after lunch. ALL students should have received a ballot this morning, so if you don’t, see Mrs. Meyer or Mrs. Sharp.
Congratulations to the newest members of student council: Caleb Amias, Paige Farney, Anna Hamilton, Emily Hollett, Raena Stierwalt, and Sophia Stierwalt.
Juniors and Seniors: The following colleges will be visiting soon. Sign up in the Guidance Office. Monday, September 23rd: Eastern Illinois University and Bradley University; September 24th: Southern Illinois Edwardsville; October 2nd: McKendree University; October 4th: Parkland College / Parkland Pathway to U of I.
If you haven't already picked up you U crew T shirts, you can do so at lunch today in the canteen.
There will be a pep club meeting tomorrow morning, 8 am in room 4.