Daily Bulletin
Friday, September 13, 2019
Happy Birthday Saturday: Lane Innes
Tonight’s Events: Varsity Football @ Prairie Central HS, 7 pm
Saturday’s Events: Boys’ Cross Country @ PBL Invite, 9 am
Girls’ Cross Country @ PBL Invite, 9 am
Volleyball @ Decatur Lutheran Tourney
Soccer @ Bismark-Henning HS, 10 am
Activity Period:
Rotary is sponsoring a writing contest for high school students. The First Place Prize is $500, and the Second Place Prize is $250. The deadline for submitting entries is September 21. Please stop by the office to pick up a Registration Form and Guidelines, if interested in this contest.
The dance team is doing a “man squad” dance for the pep rally for Homecoming. Any interested guy can sign up with a dance senior! There will be 2 practice dates: 9/16 & 9/17 at 6pm in the Rocket center gym.
The annual Pep Club Bonfire will held Sunday Sept. 15th from 7 to 8:30 pm.
Kick off Homecoming week with free pizza, drinks, games and music. It will be held behind the east concession stand area. Unity high school students only please.
Juniors and Seniors: The following colleges will be visiting Unity soon. Sign up in the Guidance Office if you are interested. Monday, September 16th: Millikin University and Illinois Wesleyan University
Parkland College is hosting a college fair on Wednesday, September 18th from 6-8pm. Over 80 colleges and universities will be there. See your counselor for more information.
If you would like to enter a car or truck into the homecoming parade, there are forms available in the office. The entry fee is $5, and all rules stated on the form must be followed. The forms are due by the end of the day on September 18.
Anyone interested in traveling to Greece this summer or Scotland and Ireland in 2021, please see Mrs. Bonnell or Ms. Tibbs.
Attention juniors: Float building will begin Saturday from 1-3 at Maggie Hewing's house. Please see Mrs. Warner or Mrs. Bonnell for directions. Also please sign up and pay for your homecoming shirts with Mrs. Warner or Mrs. Bonnell this week. The $12.00 is due when you sign up.
Seniors: Please sign up for your shirts outside room 9 or in the gym. The shirts are $15. Deadline to order is Friday at noon.
There will be an open gym for girls’ basketball Thursday, September 12th from 4:30-6 at UHS gym.
Attention Sophomores- Ready to build another great Homecoming float? Float building will start at noon on Saturday at Nolan Miller's. Also, find your class officers to order your class shirt. All orders are due by this Friday, September 13th at noon. The cost is $12 and the money is due next Wednesday.
Math Team - We need YOU to help decorate a hallway for homecoming! We decorate THIS FRIDAY after school from 3 - 5 pm. Let Mrs. Seiler know if you have ideas or want some items purchased. Let's get in the homecoming spirit!
Next week we will be celebrating Homecoming, and we want everyone to join in! Dress up for America Monday, Jersey Day Tuesday, Pajama Day Wednesday, Class Color War Thursday, and Spirit Day Friday! Let’s make Homecoming 2019 one to remember!
Congratulations to the 2019 Unity High School Homecoming Court:
Freshmen: Alivia Renfroe and Roger Holben
Sophomore: Samantha Ruggieri and Grant Albaugh
Junior: Chloee Reed and Kyle Burgoni
Seniors: Elisabeth Cler, Tori Cunnington, Lily Glanzer, Ella Godsell, and Elyce Knudsen Alternate: Anna Anderson
King Candidates: Tyler Gadbury, Nate Reinhart, Jared Routh, Cain Sappenfield, Griffin Sullivan. Alternate: Grady Burwell
Coach Patton will hold open gyms on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-7PM. This open gym is open to anyone interested.
Freshmen: if you haven’t paid for your shirt you have already ordered, the money is due today! Otherwise, they will go out to others on a first come first serve basis!
Attention students: yearbooks will be distributed next week. They can be picked up before school and during your lunch hour in the library.
Attention yearbook: please stay after school today to decorate the main hallway!!
Homecoming court please meet outside the office before 4th hour today for pictures.
Any freshman that would like to be on Student Council, you have one last opportunity! Pick up your non-elected member of Student Council form. They are available in the office and outside Room 7. These forms are due today by 3:10 PM
Student Council and Pep Club will be collecting money next week for a huge donation to the Eastern Illinois Foodbank! Bring your change and dollar bills to lunch next week, and if we earn enough, we’ll have special guests at next week’s pep rally!!