The exam schedule is posted in each classroom and in the window of the main office.
Semester exams will be given over a two day period: Friday May 24th and Tuesday May 28th. These are the only two days that exams will be given. You will be responsible to make up exams on your own time, at the teacher’s convenience.
This schedule if for you, the students; it is our hope the schedule will allow you more time to prepare for your exams. The success of the exam schedule is based on how well you cooperate and follow the guidelines.
Any student needing to take an exam other than at the regularly scheduled time must receive permission from the teacher first then have the change signed by Mr. Morrison or Mr. Gateley before the teacher may reschedule it.
All students are required to take exams unless they are exempted by individual teachers for each individual exam. Check with your teachers.
For the exam schedule, you do not need call-ins or notes to excuse you when you do not have to be here. Just be here when you are required to be here.
You will not be required to attend your study halls unless you have no transportation to arrive/leave without riding the bus.
Check the times you are scheduled to be here. Be Early! Upon arrival at school, if it is NOT break time, you must go to the cafeteria and remain there until the bell rings. You may not go to your locker first. Upon arrival, go to the cafeteria and wait. THERE WILL BE NO PASSES GIVEN TO BE TARDY!
BREAK TIME: Use this time at you would on a normal day between classes, or you may go to the cafeteria to sit and talk.
LUNCH HOUR: Treated as normal lunch hour with the use of the same areas of the building.
ALL students taking exams will be required to stay for the exam period. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!
May 24, 2019 May 28, 2019
Warning Bell 8:16 Warning Bell 8:16
1st hour 8:20 – 9:45 5th hour 8:20 – 9:45
break 9:45 – 9:55 break 9:45 – 9:55
2nd hour 9:58 – 11:23 6th hour 9:58 – 11:23
Lunch 11:23 – 11:53 Lunch 11:23 – 11:53
3rd hour 11:57 – 1:22 7th hour 11:57 – 1:22
break 1:22 – 1:32 break 1:22 – 1:32
4th hour 1:35 – 3:00 0 hour 1:35 – 3:00